The Knowing is in the Doing 

Most mornings, I set aside time to be quiet, just breathe and be grateful. I call it meditation or my God time but I know both those terms can make some folks uncomfortable. But really, that’s all it is. Just quiet time. I also try to get clear on my rapid-fire-paced life as a working mom with big dreams.

Yup! Even in my forties, I’ve still got those big dreams. You see if I don’t set aside that time for myself, I find myself SURVIVING every day instead of LIVING every day. Huge difference. And I think many of you know what I mean.

During this time I often ask, “How can I be my best self (mother, daughter, sister, friend, colleague, etc) today? What are my next steps in reaching my goals? How do I move forward from here in life?”  It’s like I want my very own SOUL-GPS. I want to know how to go, where to turn, where the bumps in the road lay, any detours, and the exact time I can expect to reach my very own Shangri-La.

Wouldn’t that be nice?

So, when I asked this question on this particular morning, the response I received was, “The Knowing is in the Doing”. Cheeky response but the clarity did come flooding through.

So here is the gist of it:

I won't know what steps or direction to take unless I actually GET STARTED.

I am guilty of asking others, studying processes, and educating myself to the Nth degree before actually moving forward – really on anything in life. I’m talking about buying a toaster to make a drastic career change. Basically, I seek answers from others or outside of myself when in truth, the answers are within. And that’s true for all of us.

Much like the GPS in my car, I won’t know of any roadblocks unless I actually GET ON THAT ROAD.

I also won’t know of any other available routes or work-a-rounds until I am ON MY WAY.

And most importantly, I won’t ever get there if I don’t just START.

Starting can be scary. But NOT starting leads to nowhere. And like I said, I’m a girl with some big dreams.

In truth, my only wrong turns in life occurred when I ignored my inner voice. This is, in fact, my guidance. My inner voice is my internal GPS. And it’s telling me to get my butt in gear already.

So here I go. I am starting with this blog post and hoping it resonates with and inspires some of you to get going on your journey. What are your dreams? What steps can you take towards making them happen? What is holding you back?

I hope to see you on the road, my friend. And listen.  Even if we are holding up traffic, going at a snail’s pace… let’s just get on that road. Okay?

Inspired by:  Carolyn Duarte.


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